Friday, August 31, 2012

Brotherhood Of The Wolf

D: Ok, I don't know if anyone knows this..but the French know how to make a awesome movie! Yes gents and gals, tribute time from The D. And once again its of French orgins.
This one is pure epic. Its based on the real-life killings that happened during the 18th century in France. It was called the Beast of Gevaudan. What? Never heard of it? Pick up a history book people..geez. Anyways, this beast starts a killing spree and two men are called out to the small village to hunt the beast down and destroy it. They are Gregoire de Fronsac who is a royal taxidermist, and Iroquois Indian, Mani. During their stay they learn that there is more to the beast than meets the eye and that the seemingly small peaceful town has a few dark secrets of its own.
This movie has everything! Beyond awesome fight scenes, lots of action, an excellent story, plenty of bloody violence, and of course nudity. I tell you if you haven't seen it you got to! If you have, you rock! I have it on my shelf and love to watch it. Subtitles don't take away the thrill you get when you watch this. All that kung fu and mystery. You know you want to see it. Come on...its French!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


N: Don't drink the water. Don't go near the dogs. Don't even think about entering the fields. For you are bound to encounter something unworldly. Something that is not here on this earth to become Facebook friends; but to spread carnage upon the human race. An all star cast-must fight in a do or die battle against these creatures that strike havoc upon the not only the world, but a few small town folk that clearly don't want to believe that anything is taking place. If you need any sort of sign this tribute would be a call to action not to miss out on watching this flick.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Innkeepers

D: Here we go again people. Back to the haunted hotel scenario. But wait...this one didn't suck. That's right, we have found a movie that tickles our fancy, and in a fun way too.
The Innkeepers, the story of a couple of employees enjoying their last weekend at their beloved hotel before it closes its doors for good. But wait, these two are not your average hotel workers...they are armature ghost hunters! And they are determined to find proof that their hotel is haunted by a sad and fearful bride ghost. But it may prove dire when they discover the hidden horrors of the hotel.
Ok, enough of the summary, time for the criticism. Now, this movie as I said didn't suck. It was funny, scary, and felt more real than most ghost movies. The characters were believable, the dialogue was brilliant, it was great...up until the end. Hey, I said it didn't suck, I didn't say it had no flaws. Past the middle and near the ending, you are left with more questions than answers. I know, I'm a stickler for a good ending and demand a proper ending. But you can't give us a funny but realistic beginning, a good middle, and then drop the ball at the end. It's just not cool dudes. That's right, I said DUDE.
Conclusion; although it had its flawedness in it, I still say it was a good movie. A real Friday night at home with a bowl of popcorn, a sodie pop, and a blanket. But riddle me this fellow horror lovers...why does the gal in these always do what they are not suppose to do??? Has watching these movies taught you nothing ladies?!

N: Your key sir. Enjoy your stay. Yes indeed you shall enjoy a night at the eerier hotel that plays hosts to a few kids just trying to earn a honest buck. But beware not only of the ghosts that haunt the corridors and the creepy basement; the old woman who comes to stay is hellish frithigening. As  retired actress the woman hooked on those little air plane bottles of alcohol sedates herself and uses her bewitching pendulum to try and convince one of the employees the hotel is haunted. Thus,  I warn you that things will go bump in the night at this hotel. Well maybe its the two employees drunk of their asses and without anything better to do than to entertain a few guests why not go on a ghost hunt.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Move over Grimm. You've got nothing on this movie which like the so called hit TV series, this movie was also filmed in Portland Oregon-my current home town and though given the fact that my comparison makes no since I thought I would throw in the fact that I am not much of a Grimm fan.
A teeth chattering physiological thriller that dose not paint a pretty picture comes alive with such dictation that you will be left wanting to watch it again. Yet in retrospect this flick portrays a painter that hides behind his shy introverted natures and all at the same time finds a way to lure poor unexpecting woman into his deathly web. Thus these pretty girls that fall madly in love with Mason played by Joel David Moore become victimized by his maddening obsessions. "I don't know. This one's different. This one's special. " Mason says to his best friend. Yes indeed each one is special. How many you ask have been his special subjects of interests. Well you'll have to watch the movie to find out. Its a movie that I always watch once a year in the fall....

The Devil Inside

D: Here we go again. Another mockumentary. Well strap yourselves in puppies and kittens this one is about possession and exorcism. Like that's new. In this fun filled mocker we follow the documentation of a woman who is trying to figure out why her mom went crazy and killed three members of the clergy while they were performing an exorcism on her. Curious, she goes to Rome where her mother is being held in a mental institute and does some research on exorcisms. While visiting her mother she is convinced that the possibility that she is possessed is true and seeks the aid of two priests. They show her a real exorcism and she believes that they maybe able to help her mother. But soon things spin out of hand (as usual) and the cameraman, the two priests, and the girl become victims themselves.
Now, sounds interesting right? Well, we all know the mockumentary of a exorcism is no new thing. Personally, I thought the story was ok. But I think it would of done better as a regular horror movie, not as a mocker. But you know what really tiffs me? It..doesn't..END!! At what I think is the high point of the movie, the freak'n thing just ends, shows a stupid bleep about the case, and rolls to credits. Stupid movies that don't end! Even The Exorcist had an ending. Just a crappy sequel.

N: My thoughts become contorted as I reflect upon this movie. Contorted much like how the possessed characters in this movie had become when the evil inside of them had taken over. Indeed as the demons waged havoc within the victims a hellish nightmare is once again unleashed and this time no on is safe. A seemingly cursed family becomes involved in a triple homicide and like a lot of stories that I have seen countless times; years later a woman-the daughter recounts her tail and tries desperately to seek answers into her mothers sudden killing spree and how an exorcisms had gone so terribly wrong. A few of the scenes got my attention as the clergy in Rome attempted a exorcisms on a young woman and for several moments sheer tear and panic swelled inside me. Yet after such fear subsided I found myself glancing at the clock and wondering if this so called mockumentary was gong to have an official ending. Not likely I thought.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Shaun of the Dead

Zombie movie tribute time! And which do we pay great tribute to? Why that wonderful comedy that only the British can give. I'm talking about the legendary Shaun of the Dead!
This movie when I saw it, made zombie flicks so freak'n funny that I no longer fear a zombie apocalypse. I'm looking forward to it if its as hilarious as this movie makes it out to be.
A normal nobody of a man from England and his lazy counterpart are turned to heroics when their town becomes infested with the walking dead. With blunt instruments aplenty they go and save Shaun's girlfriend (or at that time ex-girlfriend) and of course his mom so they can all go to a safe haven until the whole zombie thing blows over. All this and more happens in this epic comedy.
For me, this is one of the best zombie movies to ever be created. It has everything. Action, violence, romance, and sooo much humer. If your a zombie flick lover, you should, nay, must have this movie and see it over and over again. The people who made it, brilliant! The actors, awesome! Now I know that if I want to wait out a zombie apocalypse, go to a pub, and wait for the whole thing to blow over....while watching this movie.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sleepy Hollow

N:I must tell you. Please you must be cautious before we enter the town of Sleepy Hollow. I Welcome you of course, but be forewarned that one miss step. One wrong doing, well it  just might cause you to lose your head. Never a good thing as I can only imagine. Who you ask might be the culprit behind these bloody attacks in this small wilderness town? Who indeed I ask the only man by the name of Ichabod Crane that just might have the correct answer. Mr Crane is given the task of determining who this strange masked intruder really is. Yet we draw from observation that our killer thereof is lacking something and while the murder rides a beastly stead; certainly heads shall roll. Ichabod Crane is the only man with enough stomach to fight this sadistic killer and save those that he loves. A moive to savor on that one fantastic night in October of every year....

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Fields

D: So fellow horror movie lovers, its been some time hasn't it? Well, we have returned, and brought this movie with us...regrettably.
We begin with a tale of horror and suspense. Based on true events that will put you in a coma. We are first introduced to a young boy and his messed up life and equally screwed in the head family. He goes to stay with his grandparents after his parents get in a fight and soon is introduced to a world of weird so called scariness and confusion..oh wait that's me.
Ok, where to start on this one? Hmmm...well first off, you don't really know what the newton is going on. You first start to think, 'maybe this is about how messed up his family is'. Or the corn field is haunted or cursed. Nope, nope, and no. This movie takes forever to get to its point. You become more interested in the families history and drama than whatever is going on around them. The only thing keeping you from shutting this thing off is the urge to see if anything is going to happen. And when it finally does, that's it.
Conclusion: long movie, takes forever to get to the point, is confusing, you get lost in it but not in a good way, and everyone in this movie is messed up bad. Personally I think the real horror was the kids life. And this one won a bunch of awards it looks like. I want to make a long boring movie and get awards too!

N: Something horrific hides in the fields. Something unexplainable has been creeping about and in a daring effort a disfuncional family must ward of the evil that resides within the fields; while a young boy must survive against being summoned into the corn fields that hide dark secretes. Elsewhere a methodical scheme a vengeful group of hungry killers takes over a small town leaving a bloody trail of death.Yet I am suspicious that any sort of real evil lurks. That the only real evil lurks within the Red Box. Other than the pretty scenery this movie will leave you kicking and screaming with cries of anguish.