Friday, November 22, 2013


N: What the jeepers? An altered state of mind takes over, then your body is consumed with some virus that turns you into a carnivores werewolf. But nevertheless, the city becomes a breeding ground and a few fight to save the city from being swept away. However, this flick makes me shutter with convulsions because it is so badly made that I want to gouge my eyes balls out.  

D: Ok, we have all seen tons and tons of apocalyptic movies that have zombies and such. But how about one that has werewolves? That sounds pretty refreshing right? Deadly puppies out to kill us all. Unfortunately, that concept might not be that great depending on who is the one to create it.
In this flea bitten cinematic, New York city is soon introduce to a Lycan virus that spreads when ever someone survives an attack from one of these bad doggies they turn instantly. Soon these individuals are quarantined and a cure is being hunted down by two teams; one wanting to save their fair city and the world, the other wanting to use the infected people as a form of weapon and keeping the antivirus as insurance. Soon the struggle to contain the dog virus begins. And so does my critique for this movie.
I think the idea behind this could of been well played, if it wasn't butchered. The movie did have some potential, but it was destroyed by crappy computer generated werewolves, characters that were not that memorable (except the bad guy), and countless other concepts that could of been worked out better. But mostly, it was the cruddy werewolves that helped to destroy this. Granted there was much action and werewolf gore, but that hardly makes up for everything else. And those werewolves, how much more fake can you get? Is there any good werewolf movies out there, other than American Werewolf? Bad doggie! Bad! Your not suppose to suck.

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