Saturday, July 26, 2014


N: True ghost stories arise from the seething palpitations of imaginations that brew a intoxifying tonic. Thus, in the course of this flick a group of aristocrats over embellish themselves with a night of phantasms and sexual debauchery. Monsters lurk in the dark corners, haunting those that dwell in the madness; possessed by the alluring storms that not only wage outside but nonetheless wage within the soul.

D: Wow...I feel that I just went on some weird acid trip through time and ended up in some rich guys estate where they are having just as hard of time as I am.
This is the tale that basically gives us an inside view as to how the author Mary Shelly, became inspired to write her book, Frankenstein.
It, was, freaky! I mean, now a days we have internet, television, as well as other things to keep us entertained. Then, you had to use your imagination to keep yourself occupied. And boy howdy, did these people keep themselves occupied. At times I couldn't tell if it was real or all in their heads. If it was in their heads, they are more messed up than I am...and that's saying a lot. Plus I couldn't help but wonder, 'is that what the rich people back then did for fun? Huh, the wills and fancy's of the posher classes'.

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