Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Curse of Sleeping Beauty

Ah, the story of Sleeping Beauty. Who doesn't know this tale? From the Disney version to the down right dark version, this story has been told over and over. Now we get a new spin on this classic tale...but its not as good as you'd want it to be.
We are introduced to Thomas Kaizer. A near shut in artist who dreams guessed it...a beautiful woman who is sleeping. He later learns that he had an uncle who has died and left his big house full of mannequins and dust to him. With the help of his new found friend Linda and her friend Richard, Thomas learns that his family is actually cursed and the sleeping girl, whose name is actually Briar Rose, is the key to it. But they must fight djinns, a creature called the Veiled Demon, and decode an old book to find the truth. And the truth is something I think anyone who watches it would of guessed after a while.
To be honest I had a bit of high hopes for this movie. I mean, the beginning was a bit interesting, and when I saw Briar Rose's outfit you just think, 'wow, that's cool'. But then as it goes on, you are just trying to look for anything more interesting to focus the mannequins. Seriously, you are more interested in the mannequins than the story itself. It has some fairly decent creepy spooks and the evil live mannequins were not too shabby. Plus Briar Roes' outfit, again, was really awesome, and the dream sequences were not bad. But to be honest you loose interest in between scenes and you would either have to watch the movie one more time or wiki it to get what the frack they were talking about. Mostly cause you lost interest and you started drifting.
This movie seemed like it had potential. I'd like to think it did, but it fell short fast when they waited to just squeeze everything in at the very end. Plus some things are not explained properly. Examples are; why were Thomas' family cursed in the first place? Why were them djinn creatures there? And why didn't anyone before Thomas think to just take the book, decipher it and figure things out that way? Just a bunch of things glazed over to quick for my taste. I'd have to watch it again to figure it out. No, screw that. I'm just gonna take a nap. Maybe dream up that awesome dress. Yeah, that would look so good on me...

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