Wednesday, June 5, 2013


N: In essence I was hoping that since Laika Studios a Portland Based Studio had created this flick, that it would be over the top. The characters reminded me of the ones in the animation film "Monsters House." In a way these characters where over the top and it seemed that the Lika was trying to hard. Entertaining, but not one of m favorite cartoons.

D: I see an animation with dead people. Hah! Tim Burtons been doing that for years. But this isn't a Tim Burton film, it is a Laika film as my dear partner has pointed out. Just to brag, I know one of the people who worked on this. Luckily this review has nothing to do with his or her part of the film. Its the story itself.
So, animation wise, very pretty. Story, ummm, could of been better. The story of a young boy who can see ghosts is soon appointed by his crazy uncle, to help make sure that the spirit of a legendary witch doesn't come back and reek havoc on the town. Not a bad story, just a few things could of been better. Like, conversations in situations could of been shorter. I mean, I don't remember anyone using long dialect to say two simple words 'piss off', to a group of people. I know its a kids movie, but still.  The design of the zombies were nice, and the plot ok...its just that dang dialogue. So wordy, so long winded.
It was ok. A good idea that could of been done a little better. A lot of  funny moments. That's all I have to say about it...switching to zombie mode, brrrrrrrraaaaaiiiiinnnnzzzzzz...

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