Sunday, June 23, 2013

World War Z

D: The zombies are coming! The running zombies are coming!! Holy shrine man can these SOB's run. Yes people a zombie movie were the undead can run like bats out of hell. Oh the humanity!
Everyone knows the storyline right? A mysterious virus that turns people into zombies decimates the world and no one knows what to do. Well, Brad Pitts character Gerry, is asked to go and search for a cure. Huh, you'd think that would be one of the things that everyone would be wondering there a cure? Gerry is sent out into the chaos to search for it. So much chaos...
Talk about having you on the edge of your seat. This movie had my eyes glued to the big screen in front of me and freaking out over the running zombies. And the way that these dead funks chased their pray...AHHH!! They are swarming man. Like ants. Which is what the creators of the zombies had in mind. Fun film fact, that's what they used for the behavior of the zombies...ants. Look it up its very interesting. Anyways, final thought...great for the theater, eh, for my collection. Not sure if its right for me. But its good for suspense baby. I do wish to mention one thing though...who the frack takes their knitting to a zombie movie???

N: My body began to race with heart throbbing energies as city after city began to become over run by a mass mania of  Zombies. With a world out of control one man must confront this devastation and search for an ultimate cure. A cure that could eradicate the undead. Within this chaos the movie shifts into a beautiful perspective of how far we can go to take back our world.

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