Friday, November 22, 2013

The Possession of David O'Reilly

N: A possession of the mot extreme or not. Dark creatures take form praying on a man named David. But his friends are not sure that these creatures really exist and must play along with David emotional terror. I felt that this flick was a little distracting. Did not explain why these creatures which where stalking David and why a woman showed up in the house that appeared latter on to be a ghost.

D: Huh? That's all I got for my opening statement at this time.
So this couples friend David, arrives at their house at three in the morning. He says that he had found out his girlfriend has been cheating on him. So they let him stay. After he arrives. His behavior is seen to be a bit paranoid. He claims that he is being chased by what appears to be demons. Soon his friends are dragged into his nightmare and all sorts of running and screaming breaks loose.
I feel so dizzy right now. This film lacked a form of camera style. It switched from what I guess you would call, regular camera work, to point of view of randomly selected character. You got confused just watching the shaky camera work. And if that wasn't enough, the characters made every wrong decision imaginable. Also you have so many questions during, and after the movie. Like, why are these monsters after the man? And why are they after both David, and suddenly go after his friends? What did he do to provoke them to wanting to tear him a new one? Also, why would you let someone who is acting crazy, welding a butcher knife screaming, 'their going to get me!', into your house and allow him to stay? Wouldn't you try to get him help or ask him to leave? Word of advice, if your friend is acting crazed and claims that a horde of demons are after them...tell them to leave and take their freak show with them. Its called a priest people!

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