Thursday, March 17, 2016


Ravenous. Just the sound of the word makes you think. 'wow. This is either going to be a great blood bath, or some creepy love flick'. There was no creepy romance though. Just blood and a intersting group of characters and canniblism.
The movie centers around a young soldier who, after the Mexican-American war, gets sent to California to add some extra man power to an already awkward set of keepers of a Fort. The fort is soon visited by a man who claims to of been part of a band of settlers traveling through to Sierras when they got lost and after exhausting all food rations resorted to cannibalism. However, there is more to the strangers story and the small group are soon picked off by something that craves human flesh.

This film, is not close to being scary. Entertaining in a way, but not scary. The opening credits give the feeling of a comedy instead of a bloody thriller. Than when introducing the characters, again, feels kind of like a comedy. Ten it goes all serious with the cannibalism, power hungry villains, and blood splatter.
The acting was decent, the story was doable, the characters that mattered were fine. But the camera shots, the music, the tone. It just felt out of place. I'm not even sure if ti even knew what it was. Its one of those movies that you watch when you just don't have a clue what you want to watch. Its really good background noise really. I just can't get over that sweater Guy Pearce was wearing. I swear I had seen it in a mall at one time. I should go to the mall, find that sweater, and tell people if you wear this cannibals will come and eat you.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


N: Open the box. I dare you. What is contained inside shall be unleashed and the villains from another dimensional hell will come forth to give you pleasure in the form of pain. No doubt I was hooked right from the start. Every consuming angle shot in this flick made me want to take part, but could I handle the pain of being peeled away and taken from this world into a place that becomes your own hell on earth.
 The Characters and plot have been well written. Though its a bit confusing of what is really taking place nonetheless when Pinhead comes out to play he shall not let you down.

D: I got to tell ya a secret; though I am a horror movie lover I have not seen this movie till now. Seriously. Why did I wait so long you ask? Because, that's why. Now onto the frightfulness that is Pinhead!
A mysterious puzzle box is found and when it is opened, a manners of hell break loose upon the semi-willing victim. After such an event, a family moves into the house of said victim. The victim is apparently the brother of the father of this family. It is revealed to his niece Kristy, that this man used the box to release the Cenobites, a team of creatures led by the infamous Pinhead, who were once human but now serve to collect souls. Her uncle escaped them and is now on the loose. The Cenobites now wish to reclaim their prize.
I'm telling you man, some of the movies that were made in the 80's may have been cheesy as cheddar, but holy box they were awesome! I can't believe that I had waited so long to see this. Pinhead is amazing, the costumes for the Cenobites are amazing, its all just amazing!! I love the story and gruesomeness that accompanies it. Oh Pinhead I could kiss you! Ahhh my eyes!

Sunday, March 6, 2016


Imagine if you will, going on a drinking binge, waking up the next morning, only to find that your head is sprouting horns and Daniel Radcliffe is cussing like a sailor on Monday. Cause that's what this movie is all about!

Harry Potter...I mean Daniel Radcliffe plays Ig. A young man who is blamed by the whole town for the murder of his long time girlfriend. Out to find the true killer and clear his name, Ig finds himself in a new predicament when he wakes up from a fun night of drinking his pain away, to discover, drum roll please...he has grown horns. And these horns have special powers. Each individual he runs into seems to confess their deepest, darkest thoughts and secrets. Discovering this, he decides to take his new ability and find the true murderer of his beloved, raising all kinds of good hellish fun.

If you wanted a movie to show that the young Daniel Radcliffe has grown up, by golly this is it. Some sexy time with a pretty gal, cussing like me after I stub my toe. Its just insane. And the movie itself is just too awesome! I mean, I not only was intrigued by the plot, but there were bits that were so flipping funny! It was a great mixture of comedy and tragedy.

I can not recommend this movie enough. It will make you laugh, cry, and scream out 'stop cussing Harry Potter'! At least that's what one of my friends did. Plus, did you know this movie is based off a book? Seriously? Great, now I have to start reading again.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Deliver us from Evil

D: Ok kiddies. Its time for that for us to once again dive into that genre of horror that is based on possession. Up on the blog boards is the movie Deliver us from Evil...based on a true story.
We are introduced to a New York cop named Ralph, who is thrown into a world of demons after a routine call. Soon he is involved with many cases that seem to be connected as bodies start to pile up and he comes face to face with the possessed souls of many innocent victims as well as his own darkness.
Yes, its a standard demon movie complete with demonic possessions and spirituality, but its not a bad movie. Its actually kind of unnerving. Usually one person is, lets call it infected, but in So many people are involved.

N: An evil lurks-coursing from one person to the next, giving way to a group of possessed individuals; tear apart family and friend as the possession makes them rot from the inside out. Several cops that conduct undercover work became entangled in this darkness.  

Dearly Departed and the future of Pulse

As many of you may have noticed, there hasn't been a lot of posting this last year. There is a reason. The founder of this blog, Nick Lewis, left this earthly realm to join the spirits on the other side. He had been fighting colon cancer for two years and in February of 2015, he departed from us. I, his partner in this blog and fiance (wife as he called me), had been in mourning since. You wouldn't notice since my color is nearly nothing but black. But that's neither here nor there.

 I have decided that though he is gone, I shall take it upon myself to continue the blog we both loved doing. It won't be the same without his darkly elegance, but I will keep our love of horror and thrills alive.

We do have some posts that we had both written but were not published to to his medical circumstance. As always he was ahead and had already written his thoughts, I just need to write mine. So, soon I will be posting them and you will all have the privilege to read his final thoughts on some of the final horror movies we had watched together. There will also be a few after those posts done by me, as I have finally brought myself to watch horror movies again. Strange how grief causes you to not want to do the things you love. I have also been thinking of having a guest do a post with me from time to time.

So join me in raising a classy glass to our beloved departed, Nick. May you inspire us and spook us from the other side.