Sunday, March 6, 2016


Imagine if you will, going on a drinking binge, waking up the next morning, only to find that your head is sprouting horns and Daniel Radcliffe is cussing like a sailor on Monday. Cause that's what this movie is all about!

Harry Potter...I mean Daniel Radcliffe plays Ig. A young man who is blamed by the whole town for the murder of his long time girlfriend. Out to find the true killer and clear his name, Ig finds himself in a new predicament when he wakes up from a fun night of drinking his pain away, to discover, drum roll please...he has grown horns. And these horns have special powers. Each individual he runs into seems to confess their deepest, darkest thoughts and secrets. Discovering this, he decides to take his new ability and find the true murderer of his beloved, raising all kinds of good hellish fun.

If you wanted a movie to show that the young Daniel Radcliffe has grown up, by golly this is it. Some sexy time with a pretty gal, cussing like me after I stub my toe. Its just insane. And the movie itself is just too awesome! I mean, I not only was intrigued by the plot, but there were bits that were so flipping funny! It was a great mixture of comedy and tragedy.

I can not recommend this movie enough. It will make you laugh, cry, and scream out 'stop cussing Harry Potter'! At least that's what one of my friends did. Plus, did you know this movie is based off a book? Seriously? Great, now I have to start reading again.

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