Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy House

N: An extra special vacation at a hidden away B&B is just what might be needed to renew your relationship, but be aware that anything can happen. The owner; an older woman that has a strange set or rules, if caught consequences just might be the end of you. But while the couple on this retreat try and have a relaxing time a man emerges with murderous intentions. After all the entire film falls apart and makes me never want to go to a bed and breakfast.

D: I never understood why anyone would go to a B&B. And thanks to this movie, I never will. Welcome to Happy House.
So a couple decide to go to this little Bed and Breakfast for vacation. Once there, the wife figures something is not quite right. The owner, a older lady seems like a control freak, and her son seems a bit slow and creepy. Soon, the couple has to worry about other things like, other patrons hitting on wife, wife being dramatic, a crazed killer on the loose, and no blueberry muffins! How will they ever survive?
I will admit that this movie had some good twists. Like, the crazy people are not actually the crazy people. Bit of a spoiler alert but you get the message I'm sure. The thing is though, the movie looks like a amateur film makers best effort. Also, these guys keep making mistakes over and over again. Plus, who the frack wants to have sex when there is a psycho killer in the house? Seriously? You think your life is going to end so you want to get a quickie in? Tell ya what, you go distract the lunatic with your sexy time, and I'll run for my life.

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