Saturday, May 6, 2017

Ava's Possesions

Welcome back fellow creatures. Ever wonder what happens AFTER the possession? We all know that song and dance. Person becomes possessed, priest comes in, we see split pea soup, and things go back to normal. But then what? Well, the answer to that is in this movie, Ava's Possessions.

We first see the main character, Ava, being exorcised. After the demon is expelled, she gets up the next day to find her family cleaning up her apartment that is very trashed. Not only that, her parents look like they had been beaten up. Ava has a hard time believing what had happened since she has no memory of any of the events that took place. She is shown video of her attacking a stranger by her lawyer, and is told that she is facing jail time unless she goes to either a type of mental facility, or attend a meeting for the recently possessed. She chooses to attend the meetings and learns that some of the steps are apologizing for the chaos that she caused to individual people. Also since she has no memory, she is to figure out everything that she had done while possessed. During her discovery she finds that she did some real damage as she has lost friends and even her job. The deeper she goes, the more disturbing and dangerous her discoveries become.

This movie was actually really good. I mean lets face it, we have all seen the 'what happens during possession', but afterwards, no. Not a thing. Ok, some would argue that we see it with the Exorcist 2 movie and what not, but I'm not counting that so forget it. This movie is more of a dark comedy. No, your not laughing your chesticles off as you watch this. Its just not as dark as you would think. Its not scary, but it is kind of a thriller mystery. You want to figure out what this girl did while under the demons control. You want to know why she was possessed, and you keep guessing as the movie progresses. Its like a fun puzzle. But with memory loss and demons from the seventh circle of hell.

I recommend this movie. Aside from some dark points, its really fun. Its a good movie to have a friend or two over to watch. Have a drink or two as you watch the mystery unfold. At least if you drink you only have memory loss for just that night. Then you use the power of holy coffee to help exorcise the hangover demon.

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