Sunday, November 4, 2012

Silent Hill Revelation 3D

D: Ok kids, get ready for a flick of ultimate disappointment. The sequel we Silent Hill movie fans (and the game) have been waiting for has been high jacked by Hollywood and left for dead. Lets start at the beginning.
Silent Hill Revelation is the continuing story from the last movie, based on the epic video game of the same name. Mr. DeSilva, who has changed his name to Harry Mason and his daughter Heather...ya know what, if you played the third installment of the Silent Hill game you got what the movie is like and even the plot. In fact I'm going straight to my rant.
They ruined it!! If I wanted to see something almost exact to Silent Hill 3, I would just play the game! But nooo, that's just what I paid to watch. And enough with the 3D crap. Its not a new idea and its just a lame excuse to charge us more. Also, bringing in some of the characters from the first movie doesn't completely tie everything together nor does it make sense if they have a meager role.
Conclusion; what made the first one awesome was that it was BASED on the game. It had the feel, the look, even some familar monsters as well as characters. But it had its own story, its own place. The second one WAS the game tied into the first movie with scotch tape. If you still want to see it, be my guest. If you like it and are into the 3D thing, good for you, to each their own. As for me, EPIC FAIL!!! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to console Pyramid Head. Even he can't believe he was part of this. Its ok big guy. Your still number one in my book.

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