Monday, April 8, 2013

The Awakening

N: 1921 London and ghosts become all the rage. Though, not for everyone I might add, but for one woman who just so happens to be a ghost hunter. A classic movie setting with a real twist of horror. Florence Gathcart played by Rebecca Hall is lured to a prep school for boys to uncover a rumored haunting.  A young boy wanders the corridors late at night, perplexing the main character; this dreadful and frightening haunting literally left me on the edge of my seat. Thus, Gathcart uncovers the truth behind these haunting. But as always a deeper truth to this mystery is reveled and  the revelation will leave you wanting more.

D: Yes she-wolfs and werewolves, its time to return to school. Never mind the creepy things that go bump in the classroom. But don't worry. Florence will prove that there is nothing to be afraid of...or is there? Onto the constructive criticism.
If I may say, this movie was a breath of fresh air. Not only did it not suck, but it gave a awesome story, and captivating characters whose past keeps coming back and biting them on the torso.
Its a movie that you can enjoy during a rainy night all snuggled under a blanket, only to be freaked out by the distorted ghost faces. Looks like me when I yawn...

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