Monday, June 16, 2014

Black Forset

N: Well let me just say that this was a huge miss. A movie called Back Forest should be a thrilling-pulse throbbing flick, but it was so horrible. Flat-Lame acting and bad effects made me feel an un-welcomed sensation. Like get me out of here now. Though, I enjoy the fairy tales like Brothers Grimm; that we all grew up this movie made our beloved tales flat line like a heart attack. Not a move to watch.

D. Welcome to our blog. Today we are critiquing, Black Forest. A movie that I guess was shown on SyFy. Lets get a move on with this boring flick.
Its a twist on the fairytales we know. A group of people are invited to take a tour of a forest that is the gateway to the realm of the fairy folk. When the only baby in the group is taken, the race is on to find her and defeat the evil.
Zzzzzzz. Huh? Oh, right...ahem. That's how I felt when watching this crap flick. I swear I've never been so bored. I didn't care for the acting, the story, or even watching the movie. All I was asking was 'how much longer'? Let me save you two hours of your life; they find the baby, and defeat the evil. The End.

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