Friday, August 17, 2012

Shaun of the Dead

Zombie movie tribute time! And which do we pay great tribute to? Why that wonderful comedy that only the British can give. I'm talking about the legendary Shaun of the Dead!
This movie when I saw it, made zombie flicks so freak'n funny that I no longer fear a zombie apocalypse. I'm looking forward to it if its as hilarious as this movie makes it out to be.
A normal nobody of a man from England and his lazy counterpart are turned to heroics when their town becomes infested with the walking dead. With blunt instruments aplenty they go and save Shaun's girlfriend (or at that time ex-girlfriend) and of course his mom so they can all go to a safe haven until the whole zombie thing blows over. All this and more happens in this epic comedy.
For me, this is one of the best zombie movies to ever be created. It has everything. Action, violence, romance, and sooo much humer. If your a zombie flick lover, you should, nay, must have this movie and see it over and over again. The people who made it, brilliant! The actors, awesome! Now I know that if I want to wait out a zombie apocalypse, go to a pub, and wait for the whole thing to blow over....while watching this movie.

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