Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Moth Diaries

D: An interesting title. Has nothing to do really with moths, or Mothman, or any type of moth for that matter. It's really about energy draining vampires and the crazy teenage girls who can sense them.
Young Rebecca goes to a fancy private school. There she and her friends are introduced to the new gal Ernessa. Slowly weird things begin to happen around Ernessa and only Rebecca seems to notice a connection. She suspects Ernessa to be a vampire, and feels she must stop her reign of vampire terror.
Its a good concept. You learn more about vampire lore. I myself wish to read the book Carmilla now (it was mentioned in the movie). But some things were not explained. Example, the moths. No reason for them to be there other than the fact that they are in the movie title. In any case, its not your usual vampire movie.  I mean there is blood and naughyness, but still. Final thought...not to bad, but not the greatest. Personally, if I suspected someone of being a bad vampire, I'd dial 800-Blade.

N: Not all is well at a young girls prep school. A new student emerges and a lingering feeling begins to surface. A feeling that this new student has a darker-secretive side to her. Only Rebecca is the only one that sees what really is going on, but in her attempt to seek out the truth; between the female seductions, strangely enough some of the students fall pray to this vampire-like energy sucker and as the death toll rises Rebecca must put a stop to these horrifying events.  

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