Monday, May 21, 2012

The Countess

D: Time for a lesson in history ladies and gentlemen. Do you know who Countess Elizabeth Báthory is? She was a Hungarian countess who was accused of killing over 600 young virgins and then bathing in their blood. Why you ask? Well, its simple. To keep herself young and beautiful. Good times.
This movie is about that very same countess. It tells her story through the eyes of a young man who knew her. It begins with her upbringing, to her early years as countess, up to when she began to obsess over remaining young. The way she discovers this so called fountain of youth is as disturbing as her methods to obtain the blood of these young girls.
As the movie progresses, the narrator makes you question whether or not this is actually true due to the politics of the land and how 'history is made by the victors'. So you get a bit dizzy trying to figure out if its all a conspiracy or not.
Aside from the conspiracy theory and such, this movie does make a person question the very sanity of the countess, and cringe at the thought of using human blood as a beauty treatment. I for one wouldn't go to a spa that offers bloody facials.
There are plenty of bloody scenes and the story is actually fascinating. Kind of makes you want to pick up a history book and compare notes. All in all, this wasn't a bad movie. Though not frightening, it has a disturbing plot. Bloody good times!

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