Friday, May 18, 2012

The Haunting of Connecticut

N: I have noticed that a flood of films pertaining to hunting's and exorcisms have cropped up in the past few years. Some I'm sure are remakes while I hope most are original, but these days its hard to be sure.
   When I started watching The Haunting in Connecticut I was hoping not to be disappointed. Indeed, I was not. I was very satisfied with the opening credits as a flood of old photographs filled the screen, subjecting me with death and giving me a sort of back story. Throughout the movie a montage of spacial effects and uncanny props haunt you as the characters try and cope with sickness and death.
  It always seemed like it would be fun to move to a new house that was in a sate of disrepair. But in truth its not. Take my word. In fact I have lived in places that where borderline haunted. Excerpts-Haunted Havens.  Sometimes I would stand at the top of the stairs that lead down to another hallway and I would just stand for hours listening. Listening to the silence and then I would hear the footsteps and other strange things that moved about in the church. Also while on this subject matter of hunting's, maybe the souls not only need to be need to be released from the church, but at my parents house as well..well my grandfather to be exact. Then maybe it would not feel so empty and hollow and cold. Maybe I would not feel like someone is walking through the hallways at night. Watching me from within the darkness.
 I suggest that you turn off the lights and prepare yourself to be penetrated by phantosms and dark illusonary forces.

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